YPAG and discourse

Just trying out how you might start a new topic - maybe reply with… when you first joined YPAG and why?

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hiya im Riya and i first joined YPAG during the first lockdown becuase i was bored and looking for something new to do, and my sister was already a aprt of YPAG so i knew a bit about it!

Hi I’m Elizabeth and I have been at YPAG since the beginning of 2020 so just over two years! I decided to join YPAG as I knew friends who already took part in the studies and I was interested. I’ve been involved in many different projects and have had new opportunities that aren’t available to others my age! I really enjoy meeting other young people and being able to share my ideas through YPAG.

hey there im stan and i joined ypag about 1yr ago (in the dark depths of covid) because i wanted money

Hi I’m Sophie, I joined YPAG at the start of 2020. I joined YPAG as I wanted to take part in study’s and voice my opinions.

Hi. There is a guide to using Discourse here - Getting started