Developing bid to fund a pilot project in Bristol that will contribute to the roll-out of social prescribing and ‘prevention at scale’ by encouraging people to undertake more physical activity.
Hi Jan, the Dementia HIT is meeting with APPHLE HIT in January to discuss cross-HITs collaboration - maybe this is an initiative that the Dementia HIT can support given it’s role in promoting wellbeing in people living with dementia, promoting physical and psychological health, delaying progression of dementia etc
Interesting project and very relevent at the current time
Hi Julie - that sounds great! Lerato Dunn in Bristol City Council is leading on the Thriving Communities bid and I think the deadline is early January, so it might be worth making sure that people with dementia are considered in the bid this side of Christmas. Thanks
OK do let me know if I can send any questions out to the HIT network to draw support for the bid